Pink Champagne Buttercream Cookie Cups Recipe Originally Created for Pillsbury

These Pink Champagne Buttercream Cookie Cups are my way of celebrating Mother’s Day and the fact that I don’t have Breast Cancer. I recently went through a scare that I want to share with all of you in hopes that you will be sure to go for your regular mammograms and encourage other women in your life to do the same.
Several weeks ago I went for my yearly mammogram and didn’t think much of it until two days later when I got a call that they saw a suspicious lump. They scheduled me to return for additional testing that same week. I was naturally concerned and frightened because I had been down this road before, many years ago. I had a large tumor that had to be removed and at that time they didn’t have the modern technology they have today, so the surgery was very extensive and very painful. It was benign (Thank God) then, so my prayer was that this time it would be OK as well.
The worst part about all of this is not knowing and trying to not think the worst. It’s easy for other people to say “Oh don’t worry about it” “Most of the time it’s nothing”! People mean well and naturally want to help but I can tell you for some reason there was no consoling me.
All the words of encouragement from my family and friends were true but given my past experience and my age I was naturally concerned, and there wasn’t much anyone could say to help calm my fears. I have lost friends to breast cancer and have others who have survived it so I know what it’s like. It’s a long, painful, lonely journey and I wasn’t prepared for any of it, mentally or physically.
I did see my films when I went back for the follow up tests so I naturally looked at photos online and tried to see if my lump looked like other lumps. I pretended to go on with my day every day but in the back of my mind I had this hanging over me. Was it OK?? The techs seemed to be very concerned and my OBG offered no calming words other than “it needs to be biopsied.”
I was however referred to a wonderful breast surgeon in Wellington Florida. Her name is Dr. Minnick. She is not your traditional stuffy surgeon. Her office feels like her home. It’s all done in a Shabby Chic beach theme with a cozy living room and even a kitchen table to sit at and chat. She even has her dogs there running around to offer some comfort. That sort of an environment is exactly what I needed. She consulted with me for over an hour on my past history and my recent diagnosis. She also explained how important it was to find something like this as early as possible and that is why mammograms are so important.
Based upon her recommendations I had to have a biopsy done. So she scheduled it at the Cancer Center of Good Samaritan hospital in West Palm. The people and the facility there are amazing. They even have a wing there just for breast patients with counselors and wonderful nurses that could not have been nicer. The only down side to going there was seeing the women who were going through treatment. They clearly lost their hair and were in the process of fighting for their lives. Even though the facility and the people were wonderful I couldn’t help but feel the pain and suffering in the air. Not to mention the word “Cancer” was written on almost every wing and room in the facility. It never let you forget why you were there. I felt like I was in a human lottery. A good result from this surgery would mean I win and a bad meant my life, as I knew it was drastically going to change. The stress of being faced with that scenario was almost too hard to handle.
Fortunately for me the biopsy went well. I did suffer some painful complications but nothing I couldn’t handle. Then came more waiting. Waiting for the results meant my life was once again put on hold. I found it hard to get through the day without constantly thinking about it and crying now and then alone so no one could see me. I didn’t want to upset my husband or the kids and burden them with my gripping fear so I acted like everything was normal and I would do many things to get my mind off of it, I would start to cook or even go on jogs with the little one on his jogger stroller, you can read about baby strollers and the one that he has here. When I couldn´t do anything else, I did talk to friends and family about it and everyone was as supportive and loving as they could be.
The reality at that point for me was that I was going to have to be prepared, ready or not for whatever it was and realize some how by the grace of God I would get through it.
Finally the day came for the results. I needed to go back to the cancer center and meet with my surgeon. She never gives results over the phone so my husband and I had no idea what it was. She told me that good or bad she always discusses result in person, because even good results can mean more surgery or other concerns.
She walked in the room, opened her lap top and said it’s Benign!!!!! It’s not Cancer!!!
My head fell in my hands and I cried the whole time she told us what it was and what we needed to do.
Our prayers were certainly answered that moment but it was a bittersweet. I wanted to run out of there and never look back, but I had to walk through the room with other women sitting there who didn’t get good results like I did. Life isn’t fair and I don’t know why things happen the way they do, but I knew I needed to be grateful to God no matter what happened that day not just because it was a good result.
I feel like I have a new perspective on life. I’m not enjoying life enough. I’m not spending time resting and caring for myself. I’m the type of person that is constantly caring for everyone around me. So much so that I think I was completely run down. I believe God was trying to shake me up and have me see that I need to be kinder to myself, and not worry about everyone and everything. I don’t control the world. He does and He wants me to stop trying.
I know most of you who follow my blog are women so please take the time to pass this experience on to other women in hopes that they will learn from it. I didn’t have this experience for no reason so I believe this experience was meant to be shared. If nothing else sharing it has helped me get the emotions out of my heart and my head. So I can put it behind me and enjoy the gift of life that I have been given.
If you make this recipe be sure and spread the love and share it and my story with other women.
Happy Mother’s Day and God Bless!
Pink Champagne Buttercream Cookie Cups
Prep Time: 15
Start to Finish: 25
24 cups
- 1package (16 oz) Pillsbury® Ready to Bake!™ refrigerated sugar cookies
- 2 sticks of butter, softened
- 3 cups powdered sugar
- 4 tablespoons pink champagne
- 1 drop of red food coloring
- Sprinkle for decorating (optional)
Heat oven to 350°F. Spray 24 mini muffin cups with cooking spray.
Remove cookie dough rounds from tray. Place 1 cookie dough round in each mini muffin cup.
Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until light golden brown.
Using the end of wooden spoon, carefully press into center of each baked cookie to make 1-inch-wide indentation. Remove cookies from tin while they cool make the frosting.
Mix butter in a medium size bowl, with electric mixer on high speed until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar, beating 1 to 2 minutes. Then add champagne and a drop or two of food coloring, mix for another minute or two until stiff peaks form.
Fill each cookie cup with about 1 tablespoon of champagne cream. If desired top with decorate sprinkles.
Since we’re discussing the color pink and all, I might as well tell you about the wonderful line of pink paper plates at Paper Plates | Paper Eskimo. They really go great with these pink cookies 🙂
I developed the recipe above and it originally appeared on If you like this recipe, please share it recipe with a friend. Just click on the cute little icons below this sentence to share these on your Facebook page, twitter page, etc. with just one click!