Easy Doughnut Hole Cake Pops Recipe

Cake pops have become the biggest dessert craze, ever since a blogger named Bakerella gave this treat a memorable name. The rest is history. Starbucks has them and they are just about everywhere you can get desserts or baked goods. Making cake pops can be a bit time-consuming but I have a great short cut for you.
After making cake pops the longer way, I experimented with just using doughnut holes (Dunkin Donuts or Entenmann’s will both do just fine). This way of making them lets you spend all of your time on the fun part. Decorating them! Here is my video of how to do cake pops the easy way along with a few secret tips. Below the video are the recipe details.
- 1 box of 25 doughnut holes (any flavor)
- 1 (14 oz) bag candy melts, of your choice
- 1/2 teaspoon shortening
- Popsicle sticks
- A flat piece of Styrofoam
When ready to assemble heat candy melts in a small bowl in the microwave according to the directions on package. Mix in the shortening until you have a smooth texture that runs off a spoon.
Dip the tip of a Popsicle stick into the melted candy . . .
then halfway into the doughnut hole. Lay them down on a wax paper coated cookie sheet until all the balls have the sticks attached.
Place them in the refrigerator of the freezer for a minute or two so that the candy sets on the stick. Then remove them and swirl the pops gently into the melted candy and coat well.
Allow them to drip for a moment and then dip into or sprinkle on colored sprinkles. Set into Styrofoam to harden.
Cake pops do not need to be refrigerated.
For a ton of photos of the various cake pops I have been making, please visit my Facebook page and view the gallery there entitled “Sugar’s Cake Pops.” (Please be sure to LIKE the page to see all the photos). Click here if you want to know the origin of donuts., Where did it came about?